Napa Priority Wine Pass Worth It! | Best Napa Passport | Local Wally's Napa Tourist Guide — Napa Tourist Guide


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Napa Priority Wine Pass Worth It! | Best Napa Passport | Local Wally's Napa Tourist Guide

Is the Priority Wine Pass Worth It? Yes, it's the better Napa passport for FREE Napa wine tastings, 2 for 1 discounts, special VIP offers. Get Napa on a Budget deals.

Napa Valley Priority Wine Pass worth It?

Yes! It's the Best Napa Wine Pass for 2 for 1 Wine Tasting Deals in Napa and Sonoma

First timers to Napa are often shocked to see the prices for wine tasting. Gone are the days of free tastings. Today you’ll easily spend $35 per person to sip at the winery bar and some wineries are now charging $100 or more per person just to taste - no tour, no blending class, just a few sips of wine.

Well that’s crazy. Just get the Priority WIne Pass and you’ll get two for one tastings. Want to taste at Beringer? How does $10 per person sound? Ride the Sterling tram and taste after a self guided tour? Get two for one and save $55. With dozens of wineries on the pass you’ll sure to find enough wineries to keep you busy for a week.

You only need one pass to get these deals and the pass is good for a year. Napa wine tasting… on a budget!



Wine Pass FAQ's

cave tasting at conn valley napa winery

Is the Priority Wine Pass Worth It?

You decide. If you get the pass with my discount link you pay $39 for the two of you. Most people go to 4 wineries in a day and most tastings at average wineries are $30 to $60 per person.

That means a couple will spend normally $300 in tasting fees. But if you have the wine pass you pay half - of course you need to factor in the cost of the pass but even so you’ll save at least a hundred bucks a day.

Saving a hundred bucks or more isn’t not chump change, that’s dinner! Bottom line, there is no way you won’t save money with the pass. And even if you just go to a couple of wineries and save $40 in the end, think how happy you would be if you found a couple of twenty’s on the sidewalk. So happy! And if you’re here more than a day you can really rack up the savings.

What happened to the coupons and the other passports or phone apps?

There was a time when Napa needed visitors and coupons and phone apps did the trick, but that time is over with the burst of people all flocking with open wallets to experience Napa. If you’re loaded, you’re good to go. But if you’re like me you like to get a good deal and perhaps even have some money left over to buy groceries when you get home. The Priority Wine Pass is pretty much the last of the deals. You might find a chamber of commerce promo deal now and then but don’t waste time looking for other discounts because if you do see one it’s most likely a clickbait fake. All of the winery offers are right here

How Long is it Good For?

The Priority Wine Pass is good for a full year from purchase.  Unlike some passes in the past that expire at the end of the year or good only for the duration of your trip, the Priority Wine Pass gets you 12 full months of savings.  Hey, you live in the Bay Area?  You know you're coming back again and again so get the pass now and save on every visit.

I Don't Need an Annual Pass, I'm Only Here for a Day.  Or do I?

Yes, Bay Area people really make out like bandits with the pass but even if you are here for an afternoon the pass can be worth it.  No catches, no gimmicks, no tweeting, no posting, no standing on your head.  You really just buy it, show it on your phone, and enjoy the benefits of having a Priority Wine Pass.

How Much Does it Cost Again?

The Priority Wine Pass is still about the cost of an average tasting flight if you get it with my $30 off link. The pass is just $39 on my site, the lowest price offered anywhere!

Do I Need to Buy a Wine Pass for Everyone in my Party?

No, just get one pass per couple. It's 2 for 1 for most deals so get one pass, pay for one tasting or tour, and the person with you gets the same for no charge. Some deals on the pass work for singles but for the most part they are two for one’s so one pass is all you need per couple.

Which Wineries Accept It?

There are over 75 wineries (and growing) that accept the Wine Pass.  I keep that list up to date on my Napa on a Budget page plus you can see all of the offers at Priority Wine Pass.

So I Can Get Free Wine at Every Napa Winery? 

No, not every winery accepts the Priority WIne Pass but enough do to make it worth your while. If there are wineries you really want to visit but who offer no discounts then just go - you’ll save enough money at the other wineries to justify paying full price. And be wary of other websites claiming to have deals at Mondavi, Mumm, Domaine Chandon, or Castello di Amorosa. There are plenty of fake “coupon” sites out there that advertise these “deals” just to get you to click - only to find out later that the deal “expired”. Not cool.

I’m Coming with a Group. Can I Get a Bunch of Passes for Everyone?

Well, sort of. Reach out to me first because wineries who in the past who limited the number of discounts per group are now open to hosting larger groups with 2 for 1 discounts. But don’t assume, reach out to me and I’ll help you figure out it it works for you or not. But don’t assume it wont work either! I’ve done plenty of group discounts using the Priority Wine Pass and saved them plenty of money doing it.

I’m in Napa Right Now - Can I Still Get the Pass?

Yes! Even if you are reading this standing outside of the Sterling Tram you can still get the pass and the discount. Just buy the pass on your phone and show the image sent to you immediately in email to get the discounts. BUY IT NOW! One per couple.

Not sure where to go once you have the pass? Do a quick read of Best Napa Wineries on a Budget.

Do You Really Love the Pass or are you Paid to Say This?

I never recommend stuff I don't love. So while I get paid a few bucks when you buy a pass (sort of like how I get paid if you click one of my ads) I would never tell my readers to buy or do something that I didn't fully believe in. Most of my readers come to me looking for Napa discounts and I'm constantly been on the search for options now that the wineries have all but phased out coupons. The Wine Pass simply is the best, the easiest, and the most cost effective way to visit Napa on a Budget. And to make sure I do my part, remember that I'll even help you pick your wineries based on your wine preferences - for free.

And in case you don’t know who I am, I have been writing this website for over 15 years and even wrote the original and now woefully out of date articles for TripAdvisor. I was the first to search the web and put every Napa deal on one site and today am still the #1 resource for finding the best wine tasting deals in Napa with thousands of happy readers and visitors.

Wine Pass Testimonials from TripAdvisor

Just went to Napa and purchased the pass. If you purchase, contact Priority Wine Pass and let them know your dates of travel, where you are staying, your wine and price preferences and they will provide you with a suggested itinerary that will utilize the card. We took (and enjoyed) some of their suggestions and also went out on our own. We were pleasantly surprised to find some wineries offered a larger discount than was noted by Priority Wine Pass. Over two days and 6 wineries, by utilizing the pass we saved $185 in tasting fees.

There is no doubt that with the increase price of tastings, especially in Napa, any discounts available help a traveler to this area. I purchased the Priority Wine Pass but I had also downloaded a phone app. The problem I had with app was that in order to get the two for one tastings you had to "LIKE" the winery on Facebook or Twitter. The Priority Wine Pass is just that - a card you carry with you. The list of wineries was posted on their web site so I was able to see the wineries before purchasing plus I found that they partner with many not on the list. Also found by communicating with Local Wally that he actually set up an itinerary for my group each day incorporating the two for ones so we weren't going from one end of Sonoma and then over to Napa. This planning for us was priceless...well worth it