Trip to Napa Cancelled Due to the Coronavirus: Now What? — Napa Tourist Guide


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Trip to Napa Cancelled Due to the Coronavirus: Now What?

Local Wally

Ahhh, the good old days wine tasting in Beringer Vineyard’s famous caves.

Ahhh, the good old days wine tasting in Beringer Vineyard’s famous caves.

Don’t Let The Coronavirus Win - keep drinking wine With Virtual Wine Tasting!

Now that reality has set in it’s time to take action. There’s no point in sitting around all day feeling sorry for yourself. OK, you had to cancel your trip to Napa. But that doesn’t mean that life - or loving wine - has to stop. We’ve partnered with a handful of wineries who are bring Napa Virtual Wine Tasting to Your Home. Here’s how it works:

Napa Valley Virtual Wine Tasting

  1. Go to this list to see which wineries are participating.

  2. Order your wine and then schedule your time slot.

  3. Make sure you tell them that WALLY SENT YOU so I get credit.

  4. Boot up that laptop that work made you take home and instead of a boring video chat with the boss you can chat with a wine server who will walk you through your tasting. Video calls have never been this much fun!

  5. And when this Coronavirus is over, go visit these wineries and enjoy their wines once again.

Remember to tell them that WALLY SENT YOU.

When is Napa Going to Reopen?

At this time, March 20th, no one really knows. But when it does will you be ready? Planning your trip is half the fun so if you’re home bored and looking for something to spark your enthusiasm start planning your future trip. You can email me and ask questions - I am super slow right now so ask as many as you want! And remember, even though this Coronavirus looks like it has no end it WILL end. So let’s get out of the doldrums and start planning your trip. It will make you feel better. It will make ME feel better, too!

Napa Valley Wine Deals

Etude Winery:

Some really great Pinot Noir’s here - their winery is located in the Carnero’s area, a hidden gem. They are on the Priority Wine Pass, two for one tastings once Click the image to go to their site.

Maroon Wines

A private winery, check with me in the future if you would like to visit. Until then here are some awesome deals on their great wines. Click the image to go to their site.

Help Me Stay in Business

I’ve run my Local Wally websites since 1996. That’s right, I was one of the very first websites EVER. I started my first site as a project for work as a “proof of concept” to pitch the idea of websites to corporate accounts. Over the years my sites have grown and last year were so successful that I quit my corporate job to do this full time. Who knew that the Coronavirus was coming? I mean, every fortune cookie I opened said good stuff was coming.

For full transparency, I get paid a small bit when you book a hotel, buy a Wine Pass, book with one of my preferred drivers, or click an ad. Yesterday I made $.13. I am not joking! So if you like what I do and have the ability to help out a small business I ask that you bookmark my site and if you can, and only if you can afford it, that perhaps you add some money to my tip jar. It’s tacky, I hate asking for a tip, but I also want to keep doing this for you after this crisis is over and every little bit helps me pay my bills to keep the site running. And every tip comes with free good vacation karma!