Is Robert Mondavi Winery Closing in 2023? — Napa Tourist Guide


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Is Robert Mondavi Winery Closing in 2023?

Local Wally

Yes, Robert Mondavi Winery will be going through a massive remodel starting in April/May, 2023 and won’t reopen until possibly 2026. In the meantime they have leased the building in downtown Napa that formerly housed Stone Brewery - the historic Borreo Building at 930 Third St. at Soscol Avenue. From my sources they only thing that will for sure remain is the iconic arch.

This means that for the next few years if you want to visit one of the famous and iconic wineries in Napa Valley you should target Beringer, Charles Krug, Chateau Montelena, or Louis M Martini. And of course, first timers love visiting the Napa castle (Castello di Amorosa) and its sister property, V. Sattui.

Remember, if you need help planning your trip whether you are a couple or a large group you should reach out to me to check for discounts and updates. I’ll provide you with honest and unbiased recommendations on which wineries I think are worth your while (and your pocketbook) and show you how you can stretch your wine dimes for an unforgettable trip to Napa or Sonoma.
