Is Napa Open March 2021 — Is It Safe to Visit Napa During Covid-19 During Fall Crush of 2020 (and other FAQs) — Napa Tourist Guide


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Filtering by Tag: Is Napa Open March 2021

Are Napa Wineries and Restaurants Open 2021? How to Plan A Trip to Napa During Covid Times and Other Frequently Asked Questions

Local Wally


Is Napa Open Again?

As of January 26, 2021, Napa has been given the green light to reopen!

Are Napa Wineries Open and Serving Tastings Now?

Yes, though tastings of of this writing are still OUTSIDE. A lot of wineries have added tents and have made their tasting spaces very hospitable so you might not even notice or care - after all, you’re still in Napa, you’re still tasting great wine, it’s better than sitting at home watching TV, right?

Are There Any Winery Production Tours Open in Napa?

Not likely, nor will there be any cave tours or anything else that is done indoors.

Do I Have to Wear a Mask When Wine Tasting?

Masks are required when you enter a winery (or anywhere where you cannot remain 6 feet apart) but you may take them off once seated and tastings. Proper etiquette is to replace your mask when the server approaches your table.

Do I Need Reservations at Napa Wineries?

Yes, the days of popping in and bellying up to the bar were ending before Covid and have now been replaced with sit down, reservations required, wine tastings. Because of this some wineries are holding firm on their 21 and over rules so always call ahead if you are bringing minors with you.

Are Napa Restaurants Open Again (Jan, Feb, Mar, 2021)?

As of January 26, 2021, restaurants are OPEN again with outside dining.

Is The French Laundry Worth It?

At roughly $1,000 a couple for dinner and choosing from their wine list frugally, it’s expensive. It’s not recommended if you are a politician but for normal folks looking to celebrate the end (or near end) of the pandemic there’s no substitute. Read my review from my experience (or drool over the high res photos I shot). If you can afford it, do it!. Reservations are hard to get so start planning now if this is on your bucket list.

What Happens If I Plan a Trip to Napa in 2021 and It Gets Shut Down Again Due to Covid? Will I Get Refunds?

Wineries that have been forced to shut down due to Covid in 2021 will most certainly refund any fees they might have charged for your reservation. Some wineries actually just take your credit card number but don’t actually charge you until you arrive. Just verify this when booking. Drivers on my site that I recommend will all refund any deposits should you have to cancel, even if you just change your mind. Just give them enough notice so that they can rebook your time slot.

What Happens if I Buy the 12 Month Priority Wine Pass But Can’t Use It Due to Covid?

Buying the 12 month Priority Wine Pass keeps me in business as I get a small affiliate fee when you do. Plus, to make sure you get your money’s worth I offer FREE advice and help you plan your trip, all with honest and unbiased personal advice. But I get that you might not want to pay for a pass if your trip might be cancelled. If this happens, reach out to me and while I can’t promise a refund I can most likely get your pass extended so you can use it once Covid is over. Covid has been really hard on my travel website business so I do appreciate anyone who buys the wine pass today.

I’m Trying to Plan a Bachelorette Party in Napa for 2021 and Need Help!

After years of helping folks plan group events and bachelorette parties I’ve become a bit of an expert. The days of invading wineries with a group and expecting to be served are over. Groups 8 and above require reservations and planning. Covid has made this even harder so I have partnered with a handful of wineries who are happy to take larger groups and provide exceptional personal service for your event, all at prices not much more than a standard tasting fee. I also can provide transportation to make sure everyone gets home and tucked into bed safely. Don’t try to figure this out on your own! Just reach out to me, I don’t charge for my advice and happy to help.

Is Sterling Vineyard and the Tram Open? Do You Still Offer the FREE $10 Off Coupon Code?

Sterling is not slated to reopen until Summer 2021. It could open sooner, but use that as an estimate. I am working with Sterling to continue my free $10 off deal once they re-open, as well as deals on other experiences once Covid is history.

Is Uber Back Up in Napa?

Uber never really went away but is not recommended for Wine Tasting in Napa because wineries now require you make reservations and Uber has never been very good about consistently arriving on time in Napa. Add to that the chance that the previous people might have been contagious and it’s just too risky. Instead, reach out to me and let me connect you with one of my drivers. Their rates are just a bit more than if you used Uber all day and you get personal service from drivers I trust.