NAPA FREE TASTINGS — Is It Safe to Visit Napa During Covid-19 During Fall Crush of 2020 (and other FAQs) — Napa Tourist Guide


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Filtering by Tag: NAPA FREE TASTINGS

Napa Winery Discount Promo Code for Priority Wine Pass 2023 - FREE WINE, NAPA WINE TRAIN DISCOUNT!

Local Wally

two for one wine tasting, buy one get one free, for Napa and Sonoma 2023

Napa wine tasting is expensive! Stretch your budget with a handy dandy two for one and other discount pass! Just one pass is needed per couple to access 2 for 1 tasting deals in Napa and Sonoma and the promo code is LOCALWALLY. And to make it even simpler, just click the button below to be magically transported to the discounted page - no catches, no fake click bait come on, everyone can get this deal… while it lasts!

What is the Wine Pass good for? Besides two for one deals at popular wineries like Charles Krug and Louis M. Martini you’ll find half off at V Sattui, Napa’s favorite picnic spot (the winery is owned by the same person who built the famous Napa Castle, Castello di Amorosa) along with dozens of other great deals. Napa Wine Train? Discounted. E-Bike rentals? Discounted. Stroll downtown or Yountville and hit up the two for one offers, or reach out to me and I’ll build you a custom stop by stop agenda, for free! Right, no charge, I am happy to show you my favorite wineries. And don’t forget, drinking and driving is high risk in highly policed Napa so let me know if you want a discount driver and I’ll hook you up with some great drivers, many of them previous tour guides for the large wine tour companies.

Want to see all of the deals before you buy? Click Here!

Here’s that link again to buy the pass with my discount LOCALWALLY promo code: DISCOUNT LINK