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My Favorite Napa Valley Restaurants: Redd Wood in Yountville

Local Wally

Good restaurants in Napa aren't hard to find. But good restaurants in Napa that offer great value without chef compromise are. Every now and then as I eat my way around Napa I find one that tugs at my heart without grabbing my wallet and I'm loving REDD WOOD in Yountville.

The casual setting is urban contemporary, hip, trendy. And though they call it a pizzaria it's much more than that. But would you expect anything less from Chef Richard Reddington, the guy behind popular (and more upscale) Redd in Yountville?

I started with some Frito Misto, delicately fried seafood with vegetables. Let me say that again - delicate. No greasy, soggy mess, it was light and lovely and next time I think I will get this and keep it to myself - it's that good.

Redd Wood Napa

Wings. I cannot resist wings on the menu and these were perfectly cooked and delicious. There are a lot of lousy wings being served these days but not these. I mean, look at those wings and I defy you not to want to reach out and grab one!

After drinking so much great Napa cabs all day I wanted a steak. Now I just read in Bon Appetite that you should NEVER order a steak out unless you are at a steakhouse and I get that. Most restaurants that don't focus on steak don't do a very good job but Redd Wood nails this steak - dare I say better than Ruth's Chris or Flemming's? This steak was also huge, big enough for 2 to share. So. Good.

Had to at least try the pizza since they do call themselves a pizza joint and I was not disappointed. Light and airy crust and enough toppings to shame most "gourmet" pizzas, this is the perfect choice after wine tasting all day.

After dinner smiles - no, that is not me but I was there! And you should go there too - REDD WOOD is easily one of my top favorite Napa restaurants, located at the north tip of Yountville. Go, you will love it!

Local Wally, Napa Tourist Guide